How Do I Get My Website To Show Up In Web Searches?
As we mentioned on our "Search Engine Optimization" page, there are two parts to your website. The design or "look" and then there is how easy is it to find in the search engines. Optimizing the site is a multi-faceted process that involves many steps. While many companies spend several hundreds of dollars each month on being “Found” on Google and the other search engines, even smaller investments can have HUGE payoffs.
The search engines send out what are called “Spiders” to crawl the web and read millions of pages of code to send back to the mother ship to then list in their directories. There is an unwritten set of guidelines in which they like sites to be constructed. The exciting part of this is that that set of guidelines is constantly changing, but the core still remains the same.
Site optimization can be (and usually is) even more important than the design itself. It takes hours and hours and several steps to setup a game plan for success. It also takes a working relationship with the client and site owner to know what the goals are.
Lets setup a time to go over your marketing goals and how integrating your website can all work together.